by Jeff Goin | May 1, 2019 | Advanced Landings, Advanced Launching
Sometimes, they just look bad A tight, even curvy launch area can look daunting but, for someone able to steer their launch run, it’s no more dangerous than a wide-open site. The key is being able to steer your launch run and know that the area is wide enough....
by Jeff Goin | May 1, 2019 | 19: Risk & Safety, Advanced Landings
What a useful skill it is to be able to land where you want without power. Pilots of all craft recognize the importance being able to put it down after thrust stops thrusting. We PPGers are lucky in just how small of a place we can alight, even landing on tiny targets...
by Jeff Goin | May 1, 2019 | 13: Flying Cross Country, 19: Risk & Safety, Advanced Landings
Chapter 19 Situational Emergencies | Stretching Glide Story Having the motor quit is no big deal if you’ve got a good landing option. Sometimes, though, even the best plans leave you needing to stretch your glide. The PPG bible covers this in nicely but...
by Jeff Goin | Apr 29, 2019 | 19: Risk & Safety, 22: Aerodynamics, 23: Motor & Propeller, 26: The Wing, Advanced Launching
Some wings, when combined with some motors, will oscillate. You swing back and forth in shallow little banks with no pilot input. It’s caused by a variation of Loaded Riser Twist where one riser has more load than the other–a fleeting condition that...
by Jeff Goin | Apr 19, 2019 | 15: Advanced Ground Handling, Advanced Launching
Your site is a driveway. It’s long, there are no obstructions except line snagging beans to your left and right. But it’s crosswind. What to do? This situation has come up in my flying a lot, especially since I deplore taking off over water at beaches. If...
by Jeff Goin | Apr 19, 2019 | 15: Advanced Ground Handling, Advanced Launching
As we’ve said many times, if the wind is too light to kite, do a forward launch. But experienced launchers like the occasional challenge and this no exception. The details of the launch are covered in Chapter 15 although no mention was made of the motor assist...
by Jeff Goin | Apr 17, 2019 | 17: Challenging Sites, First Flights: Launching
“Should I fly here?” is a better question than “Can I fly here?” Suitability has tripped up lots of us so here are some tips to help. You must already have some idea of how long your launch run is, especially in dead calm conditions. Use the...
by Jeff Goin | Jul 5, 2007 | Advanced Launching, Entertainment, Log: Enterprise
Sometimes you just gotta go for it. My other favorite sport is in-line skating which I do a lot in the summertime, more often in fact, than paramotoring. I’ve PPG launched on skates once before but wanted to do it with light winds and a hard packed surface...
by Jeff Goin | Mar 12, 2007 | Advanced Launching, Entertainment, Log: Enterprise
Can you ever have too many wheels? 8 is enough. Photos by Kevin Kanarski I also got to try something I’ve wanted to do for years but was never willing: the roller blade launch. There’s plenty of video and Kevin’s still shots are featured below. The...