Downsizing our fleet of Miniplanes from 3 to 2.
Jeffs ABM Miniplane Top 80 Paramotor For Sale.
Same as what was used in PPG Bible 6 & 7.
- Swing-arm frame ABM and med or small harness. Good for pilot up to 200 lbs at sea level, 170 pounds at 5000′.
- Price: $3100 if picked up, $3500 if shipped (I hate packing — they have to be hugely padded to be shipped safely).
- Payment: Cash or Cashier’s Check but check must clear by 10 days AFTER its deposited before I can release the machien. It takes that long for a bank to realize that a cashier’s check is fake (I’ve had this happen but didn’t get burned because I insisted on waiting).
- Location: Near Lakeland, FL.
- Wood Miniplane prop that flies me fine but has some nicks. Plan on buying a new one if you’re interested in a new look.
It’s the classic ABM frame—the only one I like—with a medium harness and a right-hand throttle. It’s running great right now, but, like every paramotor, could cough up a hairball tomorrow. Remember how you can tell when your paramotor is about to quit? Yeah, it’s running.
I’ll be happy to demo fly it for you, and will certainly run it up and let you start it from on your back. We’re still flying it.
Speed system and safety hoops, if installed, ARE included.
You’ve got to sign a liability release that acknowledges the dangers of paramotor.
If interested, contact us through the Footflyer “Contact” page.
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