Columbus Millertime, OH, US

Feb 21, 2007 | N39°47’20” W083°06’51” | Elevation 840′ above mean sea level (MSL)

Location: Southwest of Columbus, OH at a private grass airstrip.

Basic Description: Millertime is a private 2800 foot long, 120 foot wide grass airstrip that is normally surrounded by crops during the summer and fall. That usually means beans (about 4 feet tall) one year and corn the next (8 feet tall). There may be wheat which is far easier to deal with during launch woes and wonderful to do foot drags through.

Weather: Nice in the summer, wet and wily in the spring, cool and open (once crops are harvested) in the fall, and an icebox in the winter.

Comments: Expect rotor with an east or southeast wind due to trees there. I’ve not flown here and will welcome comments from those who have.

Landowner: Jim and Dondi Miller,

Permission: We’ve been offered to fly here for at least one fly-in, probably at other times by owner approval. It is an active airport with a fabric covering business. Call or email first.

Sensitive Areas: Be sensitive to neighbors, the owner has to live here. Private airports are always subject to noise complaints and possible restriction so avoid flying near houses within a couple miles of the site. 

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Airspace Concerns: You launch in G airspace and climb into E airspace 700 feet above. There are off-limits D airspace areas to the north and east. Port Columbus’ C airspace extends out 11 miles from the center of its airport but you can legally fly below the outer ring.

Jets and other aircraft fly into Port Columbus but are concentrated west and east of the airport so shouldn’t be much of a problem. They typically are about 800 – 1000 feet high for every mile away from the airport when landing and higher than that when departing.

Bolton field and Rickenbacker are the main concerns. Stay well away from the extended centerlines of their runways if you’re over a few hundred feet high.

You can fly down to the uncontrolled (magenta colored) airports west through south but do be mindful of their traffic patterns. As ultralights we have no right of way over any aircraft and must always stay out of their way.