Phil at Lite Touch Films reports that someone stole a wing through nefarious means. If you’re selling a wing, just because a credit card order goes through, it doesn’t mean all is well. Be careful.
To make matters worse, it appears that the people involved are quiet unsavory, possibly violent types that you wouldn’t want to mess with. If you get approached to buy an Eden 4 wing of questionable origins, ask some questions.
This begs the question of self defense.
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Forgive my diversion into a controversial topic, but good arguments can be made for the responsible carrying of firearms. If I was in a mall when some lunatic came in shooting, I’d feel better knowing that either I, or another legally armed, law abiding citizen, who has passed concealed-carry training might be around. Further, I suspect that if bad guys knew armed resistance was likely they might think twice about going there.
And I’m no “Guns n God” NRA member but it just seems reasonable. I’ve never seen the logic of preventing qualified, law-abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves or others around them.
Require a license, require competency testing and passing a course, even require passing a psychological evaluation, but then allow willing participants to carry. Make sure they know their limits and what’s at stake if they ever intervene in a situation. That they may be mistaken for the bad guy. But if they understand all that, then good on them. Cops can’t be everywhere. It’s 2nd amendment support including the “well regulated militia” part.
Enough of that, now back to our regularly scheduled programming…