The Enterprise again started 2010 in Phoenix, AZ, came back to Chicago and goes to Florida in the fall.
We Illinois boys hope to do our first big cross country this year, something we’ve talked about for some time but, now that I’m gonna have the motorhome there, hopefully, we can pull it off. The plan is to start from Koerners field near Kankakee and go with the wind. I’d love to see us fly basically along lake Michigan all the way to where Terry Lutke has his fly-in. Maybe we can meet the Michigan guys and enjoy a day of local flying with them.
Another plan is to finish up any left-over filming required of the Master PPG series. I’m an optimist so please don’t pin the dates on me but, if the creek doesn’t rise, the world doesn’t end, and I can avoid too much travel, I’d really, REALLY like to be done with that whole thing by the end of 2010. I’ve begged off several trips already in pursuit of that goal. We’ll see. Reality suggests the last two videos won’t be out until 2011. But hey, they’ll be better as a result.