Individual and Liability insurance for Powered Paragliding

It is the bane of many paramotor pilots—insurance, or lack thereof. Most pilots don’t notice the problem since they fly from places where it doesn’t matter, but for those who aspire to alight from some public locales, insurance is critical. And for those who teach it can be required at some places like public airports.

There is currently no insurance for paramotor pilots as of April 2019. Previously there was for rated pilots as this post shows which is kept as a reminder.

Former Insurance

Unfortunately, it’s a lot more expensive than for free flight even though our risk appears to be less. Nothing we can do about that so far, its just the reality. The insurance company looks at it from the perspective of how much damage you’re likely to do, not how likely you are to damage yourself. Essentially, the insurance doesn’t cover YOUR medical bills, it covers the medical bills or damages of the person / thing you hit.

Individual Insurance

If you have a USPPA/USUA PPG2 rating you can get liability insurance as described below. You go through USUA (membership is under $40). As of Jan 2018, coverage was:

  • PPG foot launched and with wheels up to 150 lbs. empty weight – Premium $335.78 annually
  • PPG Trikes or Quads over 150 lbs. – $436.72 annually
  • No additional charge to add airports as additional insured.
  • USUA Membership $40 (includes great magazine)

Policy limits per occurrence:

  • $100,000 bodily injury per person
  • $250,000 property damage
  • $1,000,000 combined per occurrence

Commercial Insurance

Unfortunately, insurance available for schools ended before 2015.