This place is my proverbial back yard and I knew nothing about it. Five miles south of Plant City, FL, just south of George Farkas’ slice of heaven, are rough rolling hills carved by long-done mining that left a delectable playground for paramotor tree slalomists. This one lone cow (pictured) even left its herd to come see what was up. Just like us, some are more curious than others.

Tim & I arose early to meet Andrew Fuller who was again letting me fly his Sky Flux paraglider. After flying it the first time I took it up for some speed testing, landed, then realized I never tried launching the wing trimmed slow. This was a use for landing, letting the it fall behind me neatly, then launching from there. Saved a bunch of time.

The review will be in an upcoming issue of XC Magazine.

We also shot some pictures for use in PPG Bible 6, namely candidates for the cover of Chapter 2. Since the most popular paramotor style is S-arms, we want to have that for the picture.

Mostly we all enjoyed cruising around the scenic swampscape and doing the usual ridiculous paramotor games with calm air, trees, grass and fellow pilots. I practiced really close formation with Tim because, well, just because. Thanks to George for letting us use his beautiful place.