The world’s most complete guide to Powered Paragliding just got better.


This turned out to be a much bigger update than originally planned with nearly every part of the book enjoying attention.

As with previous editions, new or revised content reflects current technology and training methods. Page counts have again been redistributed, putting content where it’s needed more. In this case, more and better information has been presented on traveling with gear.


There are MANY other revisions and corrections with more editing effort expended on this edition, and more eyeballs reviewing it, than any other.. The entire book was gone through this time thanks to the enormous help of Tim Kaiser who has made it much better. He not only helped improve the content but prevented many errors. There will still be some, there always are, but there should be fewer of them.

Million Dollar Press

Every edition, including this one, is printed on a million dollar 6-color press and laminated so we decided to make the six Section covers full color pictures. They’re beautiful. They were previously done with grey scales. It makes it that much more enjoyable to look through.


The cover has been upgraded from edition 4 with thicker stock. Coated paper, as with previous editions, was used for a nice look. It is still a “perfect bound” build. It’s 1/8″ smaller to be more compact and lighter for shipping.

Thanks for your support!