We carefully ventured out into Covid Country with Ellie, cruising over to, then down the coast of Clearwater and others. Amazingly enough, we’ve never actually done that in anything but a paramotor. This was a good way to do it, too.

Airspeed was a blindingly fast 85 mph (you know, in paramotor terms, that’s at least bright) then we slowed down to as little as 40 mph at roughly 700 feet for a bit. We could go lower, but at only 40 mph, the engine-out option requires a bit more altitude to get to the glide speed of 60 mph. Look up “Height Velocity Curve” for more on that weirdness. Plus, it’s nice to have some room to plan.

What a view!

We landed at Albert Whitted (KSPG), walked to the pier, had some chow (very much outside), walked around some more and headed back. Impending sunset cut things short.

Landing at flanders was near dusk — still enough light to easily find the runway but I elected to come to a complete stop in front of the hangar. Usually that’s one fluid transition onto the pad. It really did make it easier since I’m not used to flying in these lower-light conditions. 

Overall, another great time aloft and on the ground.

Regarding Covid. We choose to live life but be sensible: wear the mask where it makes sense, especially since one of us could have it. Stay apart whenever possible, and try to follow CDC guidelines. We’re not perfect, but trying to pay attention. We now know 3 people who have died, and at least 10 that have been hospitalized with various degrees of sickness. It seems we get weirdly divided over this. Lets take care of each other more!

Life rocks.