The latest happenings in the world of Electrics is the latest in electric paramotors. And it’s a completely different animal with a completely different method of distribution. I flew Rob Catto’s and talked with one of the two brothers who created it, Paul Whitehead. That was for a review in Cross Country Magazine that will be posted here by June, 2019. Of course it would be great if you’re willing to support the magazine by subscribing.
It’s frustrating that so little seems to be happening on the electric front in some ways but, at the same time, smaller efforts seem to be reaping rewards. Several machines have come and gone without commercial success so it’s obviously different. Pilots must be willing to fly for 30 minutes of normal maneuvering or 15 minutes of tearing it up. That’s a show stopper for some but not others.
While I’m not the early adopter type, I can’t wait to see electrics come of age. I hate working on motors. It won’t likely be my primary motor for a while, and it won’t be cheap, so the first ones will go to the well heeled. My hat’s off to those folks because, if it weren’t for them, the rest of would have to wait a lot longer for the coolest innovations.