As of 2019 the “Easy-up” paramotor appears to no longer be available (thankfully).

This is the real deal. The world’s most affordable ultralight plans and, once built, a very nice flying machine. My goal in having this page up is to preclude pilots from getting duped into wasting money on difficult-to-build and inadequate plans. Skip the EasyUp, it’s little more than a marketing scam.

I’ve stopped selling the plans here so my recommendation would carry the weight it deserves. I do not want pilots duped. I’ve flown both the Skybolt and the v2 machine and both were well thought out designs that pilots will be able to build and fly.

Mind you, I believe that new pilots are best off buying from their instructor since he’ll be familiar with it. But if you want to build from plans, this is, by far, the best way to go. Here’s why. Do find an instructor and make sure he’s willing to train you on the gear. Not all are.

Here is why the Skybolt plans are recommended.

  • No Welding. The EasyUp plans, for example, require welding. There are not that many shops that will do aluminum welding, especially when they find out its for an aircraft. Plus, requiring welding means that the machine cannot be built entirely by all builders.

  • All tube bending is done with a conventional pipe bender.

  • Affordable pre-built connector kit for those who would like to cut down build time. The v2 connector kit is dramatically less expensive owing to the simplified design.

  • There are actually quite a few of these Skybolts flying. That’s in contrast to the EasyUp which, In spite of attending many events throughout the country, I’ve never seen a single unit.

Obviously there’s risk in powered paragliding and any salesman that glosses over that fact is doing you a disservice. But with proper training and attitude, it is likely the safest form of aviation ever devised. And building your own machine is one viable approach provided you work with an instructor BEFORE you ever start it. That is part of the reason for including Risk & Reward so you get a good idea of what’s at stake.

For more information or to buy, visit

Easily made to incorporate safety features such as the hand-prop protection ring.

Why the SkyBolt PPG?

It’s a real paramotor that I’ve flown and seen others fly. This machine will get you airborne elegantly and safely. Jeff Baumgartner, the designer, has been flying powered paragliders since 2000 and is passionate about flying and the machine that enables it. He continues to fly frequently (as much as Wisconsin weather allows anyway). 

Before putting these plans together, he built 3 machines, flew them, tweaked them and made them “right.” I know because I’ve flown them—they’ve always been well-built, comfortable and nicely balanced.

Unfortunately, there are shysters on the internet who would rather sell you an empty dream than a useful product. So do yourself a favor and look around. Ask these questions before considering another plans-built machine.

1. How many are out there flying? 

In the years I’ve been in this sport I’ve never seen an “Easy Up” let alone a flying example. I have seen (and flown) a SkyBolt. So has longtime, respected instructor Eric Dufour. And we liked it!

2. Is welding required? The SkyBolt requires none. Welding aluminum is far more difficult than welding steel and steel is generally too heavy for this application. To find out for yourself, look in the yellow pages under welding and ask about pricing aluminum welding.

3. Ask what experienced, knowledgeable pilots think of the plans you’re thinking about buying.

4. Is there support? For the Skybolt there is. Try that with the “Easy Up.”