Join some of the world’s best pilots as they expose their secrets along with animations to make the concepts crystal clear.
It’s also the most fun with gorgeous flying from all over the world. At 1:55 running time this has been the most ambitious project of the series due to the sheer volume of material covered. Starting with the basics of precision flying it will show how to fly precisely, within inches of your desired flight path, how to turn precisely and with finesse, how perform steep maneuvers in style, how to best handle turbulence then, just for fun, covers competition, foot dragging, formation flying and much more.
There’s more than meets the eye for super accurate control of flight path. Height, speed, rolling out of steep turns precisely while managing energy start out the expose. Then following a set ground track, foot dragging, handling turbulence, and competition are covered in detail along with many others.
3-D animation and other graphics combine with frequently beautiful flying scenes to crystallize understanding of certain core principles. Even for non-competitors there is a lot to learn from the competition section which includes how to fly a world record cloverleaf, with animation that clearly shows how its done–from power management to ground track and speed control. We’ll show how world champion Mathieu Roanet pulls off his amazing times and fly with U.S. Champion Eric Dufour and English Champion Michel Carnet, watching from the pilot’s perspective as animation details what they’re doing. We explain the important concepts and show how to put them to work.
This is also the most fun to watch. Flying scenes from all over the world are included in a few places that celebrate the incredible freedom that precise flight gives us.