by Jeff Goin | May 14, 2019 | 23: Motor & Propeller, 27: The Motor Unit, Mx: Harness Setup
To fully understand the many harness permutations and terminology, check out Harness Systems. Of many harness and motor adjustments, setting the proper motor hang angle affects far more than comfort. As covered in Chapter 12, correct setup can make or break launches...
by Jeff Goin | May 12, 2019 | Mx: Harness Setup, Mx: Motor
Hanging too low? Thanks to Jason Wright If your harness leaves you too low and your butt sinks too far back in the harness, there’s a simple cure. It only requires some seat belt material and . The sling is not structural so it’s failure would only be...
by Jeff Goin | Apr 18, 2019 | 27: The Motor Unit, Mx: Harness Setup
I hear the darndest things sometimes. One frequent misconception regards paramotor harnesses. Over zealous sellers try to sucker people in to their gear using misinformation that requires a lack of understanding. If you ever “this is the only _____, and...
by Jeff Goin | Jan 15, 2007 | 27: The Motor Unit, Mx: Harness Setup
What’s better, high or low hook-ins? A nearly religious fervor surrounds proponents of each system. But most pilots stick with what they learned on and enjoy it happily thereafter. 2019 Update: the vast majority of new machines are sold with low hookins using...