Swatted out of the Sky

Big kudos to this pilot for sharing his video. If only we could all be so selfless. Also, check out his composure while lying there on the ground with broken things—that’s one tough dude. I got a question from a student learning to paramotor who is having second...

Do This if you feel Torque Twisting

One of the more common paramotor crashes happens because of torque twist. At least one has been fatal. So what to do? First and foremost practice what to do if it starts: Reduce power, reduce brakes. It’s better to land straight ahead or with minor turns than it...


Chapter 19 covers emergencies that involve analysis, Chapter 4 covers emergencies that requiring more immediate, essentially automatic, action. Feeling unwanted wing turn just as you lift off, for example, is a Chapter 4 type immediate action emergency. Students...